Thursday, April 23, 2009

Movie Matters: Star Trek Sneak Peek

A while back Ross Douthat wrote :
"If Star Trek is going to boldly go into the twenty-first century, it needs to consider becoming something a little bit more like the Superman and Batman stories - that is, a pop culture mythology that can be reinterpreted and refashioned every generation or so."
While navigating the mine field of rabid Trekkies who are beholden to the holy canon of the existing Star Trek universe J.J. Abrams has devised a way to create an entertaining, original, yet "in-universe" Star Trek that will be the biggest movie of the year. The crew remains diverse, brilliant, attractive, and lucky. The Enterprise is fast, sleek and graceful under fire. The Romulans are scary and everything is at stake.

In a decade that has brought us a seemingly unending flood or poorly conceived and poorly executed prequels and sequels that sink the franchises we love into the muck of shameless commercialism, Star Trek stems these flood waters of suck. Go see Star Trek and be thankful that the iconic characters we have grown to love will continue to grow with us and continue to make us wish we could make out with a green alien too.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with this 100% -- the movie was extremely well done. It packs the action punch of Transformers but without characters, actors and dialog that made me want to kill myself at every ridiculous turn of the "plot" of that mess. Instead, Star Trek was well written, funny, touching and respectful of the universe Gene Roddenberry created. My favorite part was when Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisco and Janeway all met up with Wesley and the Traveller to exist as pure thought and send the Enterprise to Warp 73 to go back in time to save the whales again while fighting the unholy alliance of the Borg Queen and the Dominion in their bid to destroy Earth by preventing the repeal of Prohibition in the 1930's.

Goodakm said...

Thanks for ruining the movie for everyone.

GingerMo said...
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GingerMo said...

Yea Matt, thanks alot! Those damn whales really need to get their act together.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't it already premiered in Australia? You seen it yet?