Sunday, October 05, 2008

Movie Matter: Wall Street - "Live" Blogging

During these tough financial times we must turn to the movies to pull us through. Oliver Stone's classic Wall Street chronicles the rise and fall of Bud Fox, played by Charlie Sheen, a young ambitious broker who becomes the apprentice of the ethically challenged corporate raider, Gordon Gekko, a role Michael Douglass parlayed into an Oscar, who leads Bud to the financial dark side.

John C. McGinley, commissioner of the More Taste League, plays a bit part in this film and his quirky smirk is amazing.

Martin and Charlie Sheen play father and son in this picture and it really helps Charlie sell his role.

This movie is replete with amazing one-liners, the most pertinent to a current crisis comes from Hal Holbrook's character early in film:

"Jesus you can't make a buck in this market, the country's goin' to hell faster than when that son of a bitch Roosevelt was in charge. Too much cheap money sloshing around the world. The worst mistake we ever made was letting Nixon get off the gold standard."

Geneva Roth Holding Corp is the name of the offshore account Gekko's legal council wants Bud to open. That's a bad sign.

Gekko's "Greed is good" speech, like so many Republican speeches about the economy, sounds almost right.

Dayrl Hannah almost ruins this film. She is truly terrible.

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