Friday, October 03, 2008

Magazine Matters: A New Bearing for The Atlantic

The Atlantic, whose parent company supports the Entertainment Matters editor, has just launched an interesting re-branding campaign. The goal of the campaign is to reposition The Atlantic as the magazine for the "New Intelligentsia," a group of thinkers who are smart and cool.

The campaign itself has borrowed some of the thought provoking questions The Atlantic has asked readers to mull over such as, "Why Do President's Lie?," "Is Porn Adultery?" and "Is Google Making Us Stupid?," and turned them into giant neon signs and placed them in unlikely places. Then they set up cameras and asked passers by to proffer answers. The videos are going up on a snazzy interactive Web site that will fully launch in the coming weeks. They have also endeavored to meet advertisers where they live by inserting these questions on their favorite restaurants' menus and shampoo price tags at the Madison Avenue CVS.

The tagline of the campaign is "Think. Again.," and suggests that The Atlantic can help keep your brain alive. Every liberal arts college boasts that the skill they pass on to students is the ability to think critically. To put that skill to use, and help justify the cost of your student loans, one needs to encounter fresh ideas that challenge the status quo. The Atlantic, whose 1857 mission statement reads, "The Atlantic will be the organ of no party or clique but will honestly endeavor to be the exponent of what its conductors believe to be the American idea" is dedicated to delivering the nourishment your mind needs to stay healthy.

For your mental health, subscribe today

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