Saturday, September 27, 2008

Movie Matters: Ghost Town

As a self diagnosed Ricky Gervais fiend I was surprised at how heartwarming his first leading man major Hollywood picture, Ghost Town turned out to be. Don't worry, the character Gervais plays, Bertrum Pincus, is perfectly drawn to capitalize on his comedy of manners style of humor.

The plot is fairly simple, a misanthropic dentist, Bertrum Pincus, has a brush with death during a routine operation and now he is haunted by a legion of ghosts visible only to him. These ghosts are on missions to finish unfinished tasked. The leading ghoul,Frank ,played by a betuxed Greg Kinnear, enlists Pincus to break up his widow, played my Tea Leone, and her fiancé. Hilarity and self discovery ensue. If you're looking for a safe romantic comedy to share with that special someone, pick up Ghost Town today.

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