Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Blogs Matter - Megan McArdle

Yes, Society is Gendered - July 1, 2008 Blog Post
By Megan McArdle

"I've had about ten requests from men to explain the phrase "winning the cocktail party". None from women. "

The above phrase appeared in a Megan McArdle (for disclosure's sake she works in my building) blog and the phrase "winning the cocktail party" is meaningless to me as well. Megan's blog explains that the phrase refers to the constant competition that goes on between men in social settings. Maybe it's because I always win, but I have never felt that I'm in a battle to win attention over other males at a party. My goal and goal of men I'm assuming is generally to win the battle for the attention of a specfic person not the party as a whole.

Ladies, correct me if I'm wrong.


Alice said...

I read the original blog post
and I don't think women are always more concerned with the good of the group. Sometimes women are competitive too. But I think you're right, for either gender it's more about the gaining the attention of a specific person than "winning the cocktail party".

...other than, maybe, who is best dressed.

Angela C said...

I feel like I try to win the attention of the party more than any man does. If you're the host, for example, you want people to be wowed by your social skills, your ability to create the right atmosphere, and by how easy you make entertaining look. And at a party, you want to seem like it is effortless for you go in and out of any conversation...that you have the confidence and sophistication to do that with ease. I win every cocktail party I'm in. Mosby, you and I should challenge either at a future party.