Monday, October 05, 2009

Music Matters: Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit: Day 2

Another fantastic day at the 2009 Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit. Highlights include the diverse panel on what DIY means in today's music landscape (I now have a huge crush on Emily White); a heady legal discussion on sampling (which produced the quote of the day, "Ever since the Supreme Court adjudicated the 2 Live Crew case..."); a speech by Senator Franken on Net Neutrality (and a frantic I'm-one-of-your-constituents-and-I-heart-you handshake with the Senator outside Healy Hall); a Bruce Springsteen influenced poem from FCC Chairman Genachowski (?); a friendly/heated discussion about the lingering tensions between major labels and everyone else (Peter Jenner was a revelation); a briskly moderated session on new intersections between music and technology (Brian Zisk has questions, and you better have answers); a swoonfest between everyone and NPR (Bob Boilan!); an over crowded cocktail party (where I met another classical music performer); and a phenomenal Bonerama concert at the Rock and Roll hotel (special guests: Erin McKeown, Nicole Atkins, Wayne Kramer (!), and Mike Mills (R.E.M !!).

Live tweets below, for the diehards. Can't wait for day three.

  1. - Wayne Kramer, Mike Mills and Bonerama at the rock and roll hotel #FMC09
  2. - Wayne Kramer w/Bonerama at the rock and roll hotel #FMC09
  3. - JT look-a-like Columbian Flutest w/Bonerama #FMC09
  4. The Black Sea will be playing the rock and roll hotel on Nov 6th
  5. - Nicole Atkins (sp?) w/ Bonerama at the rock and roll hotel #FMC09
  6. - Erin McKeon w/Bonerama at the rock and roll hotel #FMC09
  7. Bonerama show defiantly worth missing #MNF for #FMC09
  8. - Trombones!! #FMC09
  9. - Bonerama at the rock and roll hotel#FMC09
  10. EntertainmentMatters Music Matters: Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit: Day 1
  11. Getting excited for the Bonerama concert
  12. Joshua Jackson of WBGO proclaims that Jazz isn't dead, it doesn't even smell #FMC09
  13. Fun Fact: Bob Boilen played on the opening night of the 9:30 club#FMC09
  14. Bob Boilen admits "I'm a music fan, I pass on music that I like, I don't care what happens after that " #FMC09
  15. - NPR panel - Bob Boilen speaks with his hands #FMC09
  16. Anya Grundmann notes that NPR Music was built as a place for great music to shine #FMC09
  17. Listening to and looking at Bob Boilen - strange sensation #FMC09
  18. Anna Celenza notes the 10 year university of All Songs #FMC09
  19. Klein just recommended Nudge - - #FMC09
  20. Ponder notes that little Catholic kids are being taught the 8th commandment via the illegal download of mp3s examples #FMC09
  21. Zisk notes that profits are not a God given right for record labels#FMC09
  22. Feld offers to show us what Viacom wanted to do with filtering but fears being sued for showing what they showed at an open panel#FMC09
  23. - IP rights panel #FMC09
  24. Brain Zisk is a great moderator - "Filtering. Good? Bad? Let's go!"#FMC09
  25. RT @future_of_music: Sam Gustin at Daily Finance turns it around FAST! #FMC09 - Daily Finance had a great iPhone app
  26. Dan Klein asks the musicians, Do you understand what data Google has about your music #FMC09 -
  27. Harold Feld asks, Are you fine with people listening in on your phone calls to discover metrics to sell you stuff? #FMC09
  28. RT @cheeky_geeky My Acela train hit someone just outside of Philly. Bad luck for everyone. Terrible day for #Amtrak.
  29. Roberta Katz notes that a new social system will come that matches the technological advances #FMC09
  30. - Copyright panel #FMC09
  31. The love affair between Quirk and Marks was short lived #FMC09
  32. Quirk and Steven Marks agree, music as a service is the recording industry's dream #FMC09
  33. Janner notes that the real competition is between pieces of music and the services that deliver music #FMC09
  34. Peter Jenner is an amazingly entertaining panelist #FMC09
  35. Tanya Sandros proclaims that we (US Copyright Office) support the creators not the middle men #FMC09
  36. Sheldon notes that Google's biggest mistake is that it made things way too complex #FMC09
  37. RT @aclesl Favorites #aclfest: Fri. Blitzen Trapper, Sat.-!!!, Sun.-Dirty Projectors. Overall-Andrew Bird Surprises- K'naan, Girl Talk
  38. Quirk notes that the consumers passed us by when we weren't providing products they were demanding #FMC09
  39. Peter Jenner notes that copyright has outlived its usefulness#FMC09
  40. RT @misra Long chain of Springsteen references by Genachowski ends with "a network born to run on open protocols" #FMC09
  41. Tim Quirk (@tbquirk) notes that the "combaya" feeling at this year's#FMC09 is Obama's fault
  42. RT @misra Long chain of Springsteen references by Genachowski ends with "a network born to run on open protocols" #FMC09
  43. Johanna Sheldon notes a shift in the conversation from artists against fans to artists collaborating with fans #FMC09
  44. RT @viennateng: 1) net neutrality & enforcing copyright aren't mutually exclusive; 2) access to broadband is a social justice issue.#FMC09
  45. Bonerama gave Chairman Genachowski a rousing musical introduction - A brass rendition of "Oh when the saints come marching in" #FMC09
  46. Just met local artists Power Pirate - site #FMC09
  47. S.379 is the senate version of the Performance Rights Act #FMC09
  48. Senator Franken breaks down as he talks about the sacrifice of families of service members that inspired him to run #FMC09
  49. - Senator Franken and Mike Mills - artists and activists #FMC09
  50. Senator Franken notes that Net Neutrality is a necessary response to verifiable ISP infractions on freedom #FMC09
  51. According to Senator Franken The FCC will soon introduce pro Net Neutrality rules #FMC09
  52. Senator Franken notes that free speech delayed is free speech deigned #FMC09
  53. - Senator Franken in the futuristic Gaston Hall at Georgetown #FMC09
  54. Senator Franken is speaking on Net Neutrality #FMC09
  55. Senator Franken appreciates that the FMC promotes the emergent artists R.E.M. #FMC09
  56. - Senator Franken and Mike Mills
  57. I don't know if I can tweet fast enough for Al Franken, but here goes#FMC09
  58. Shocklee notes that sampling is like committing murder because you can still be found guilt indefinitely #FMC09
  59. Tony Berman notes that there is no question that current copyright situation stifles artistic creativity #FMC09
  60. Phrase of the day..."Ever since the Supreme Court adjudicated the 2 Live Crew case..." #FCM09
  61. Hank Shocklee argues that once samples are copyright cleared the new song should be the sold property of the new artist #FMC09
  62. Buffering....#FMC09
  63. Not at this panel, but interested - RT @tbquirk SoundExchange has paid 10,948 artists so far. 53% of money went to 564 artists #fmc09
  64. RT @therewasaguy there's a live webcast by which is great if yer @ home, but weird to see on corner of stage... #fmc09
  65. Copyright Criminals is premiering in January on PBS -http://www.copyrightcrimina... #FMC09
  66. Berman notes that his position on the issue of copy right depends on his client #FMC09
  67. Shocklee built a career by sampling music #FMC09
  68. - DIY panel #FMC09
  69. Stricker notes that on an artist level asking for money is icky#FMC09
  70. McCaughan notes that Merge never gave a big enough advance to demand that artist "fix" their records #FMC09
  71. Stricker notes that on an artist level asking for money is icky#FCM09

  72. Artist passion needs to exceed promoter passion
    White notes that artist passion needs to exceed promoter passion
  73. Create your own economy - Yancey Strickler #FMC09
  74. McCaughan is annoyed by the retail store ask for exclusive tracks#FMC09
  75. McKeown notes that artistic integrity is critical to successfully DIY marketing #FMC09
  76. Downs and White eschew the term "New Media" for the term "Current Media" #FMC09
  77. Dertis Downs explains R.E.M. is good at editing themselves#FMC09
  78. Family of the Year beat out 700 other bands to open for Ben Folds at the Boston Pops - http://www.familyoftheyear.... #FMC09
  79. Emily White reminds us that the reason we are here is to make and support great art #FMC09
  80. Emily White notes that there is no one stop shopping for artist promotion- it's artist specific - http://whitesmithentertainm...#FMC09
  81. McCaughan works for Merge Records - Arcade Fire, Spoon - #FMC09
  82. McCaughan notes that real music fans understand that they need to support artists for them to keep making music #FMC09
  83. McCaughan notes that a label builds trust with fans #FMC09
  84. Mac McCaughan feels that bands still choose labels to do the work they don't want to do #FMC09
  85. Kickstarter is a super cool arts fundraising site, watch the Allison Weiss video on the homepage -
  86. Yancey Strickler claims that Facebook and Twitter connections are trivial connections #FMC09
  87. Bertis Downs dodges question,to audience chuckles, about R.E.M. relationship with Warner #FMC09
  88. I've got to check out the Erin McKeown G Starr YouTube video#FMC09
  89. Greg Kot notes that every artist is DIY and fans are now co-conspiritors and collaborators #FMC09
  90. Greg Kot notes that every artist is DIY and fans are now co-conspiritors and collaborators
  91. Greg Kot believes that this confrence is the most important confrence for music and technology in the last decade #FMC09
  92. - The stage looks great #FMC09

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