Reviews, rants and raves about entertainment from the unique perspective of Aaron Mosby
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
YouTube Matters: Get excited for Glee
So excited for Glee I could be confused for a sneaky gay.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
YouTube Matters: Weird: The All Yankovic Story
There are few pop artists that are as legendary as Weird Al. For nearly 30 years he has been churning out hits that have inspired a generation of nerds by confirming what they've always known about themselves; they can make what's cool even cooler by just adding physics jokes. Finally, his epic life story makes it to the big screen. Enjoy the trailer.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
YouTube Matters: Be Loyal to the one You Love
Above is a rare glimpse into the entertainment of my childhood.
Let's examine the flaws of this video.
First off, is that a boner joke at 0:14?
Second there is a problem with this lyric, "Their kisses may be sweet, but it's not right to cheat," How would a committed lover know the sweetness of the kisses of any other then their betrothed?
Third, "When the honey drips, from candy-coated lips" is far too sexually charged for a kids' show. Wait, so is the topic of adultery.
Fourth, can someone please explain to me how bees are an example for monogamous relationships?
Fifth, there is something extremely creepy about the voice over at 1:49
What other flaws am I missing? Discuss.
Monday, March 08, 2010
YouTube Matters: DJ Ruth Flowers
Proving once again that age is just a number, DJ Ruth Flowers rocks the Paris nightclub scene with fierce credibility. You may think this is a gimmick but here are the keys to street cred: a keen sense of cool and authenticity. Case in point, the over-eyeglasses sunglasses...indoors. It's like she says, "It's a little bit glammy. It's a little bit over the top. But it fits the bill, I think." She's lagit. - Meet Ruth Flowers. She's an *@!*ing great DJ.
h/t Chris Connelly